Health Benefits of Drinking "CHAAS" in Summer (Buttermilk)


Chaas is mostly water, so it's perfect for rehydrating after sweating or being in the heat.

Digestive health 

The good bacteria in chaas help with digestion and stop constipation, bloating, and gas.

Cooling effect 

Chaas cools your body, making you feel refreshed and energized on a hot day.

Acidity relief 

Chaas is a mild alkaline drink that helps neutralize stomach acid and soothe heartburn, common in summer.

Electrolyte replenishment 

Sweating causes electrolyte imbalances, leading to fatigue and cramps. Chaas, with potassium and sodium, restores balance and prevents these issues.

Weight management 

Chaas has few calories and fat, but it still fills you up, which is good for people trying to lose weight.

Vitamins and minerals 

Chaas has lots of vitamins and minerals like calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and potassium, which are really good for your health.


Some people think that chaas helps with detoxing because it helps with digestion and getting rid of waste.

Healthy Summer Foods for Wellness Benefits